Rent your place

Let others share in the Mallorcan flair and profit from it!
All you need is a free space on your property. Set a price for it and it is 100 percent yours. We take care of the rest.

Do you also want to offer your place? Just get in touch with us. We are looking forward to you!


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  Why should I become campsite host?

Because you not only want to earn extra money, but you also want to contribute to sustainable travel in Mallorca and enjoy showing people the beautiful Mallorca.
In addition, you can offer your own articles or products.

What do I need to offer as a host?

You decide yourself what you want to offer. This can be only the campsite, or a great breakfast. Decide for yourself.

Who sets the price for my campsite?

You set the price for your campsite yourself. We are also glad to help you with the pricing.

What income is mine?

You get 100% of the price you set.

What do I have to pay to campavista?

You do not have to pay any fees or similar to campavista.

Can I choose which people can come to me?

The booking of the campsite is done through our homepage. However, you decide when you want to rent out your campsite.

What if the campers do not follow my rules ?

It is very important to us that our guests follow the DO'S & DONT'S. However, should there be any problems, please contact us and we will find a solution together.

Contact campsite rental


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